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         1. “打卡中国” ——丰富的文化遗迹,真实的语言环境,精彩的活动设计,带你走进魅力中国,感受语言文化之美。


         2.  “趣学文化” ——融入特色城市文化课程,在玩中学、学中玩。

         我们将邀请经验丰富的老师,根据每个城市的参观项目及营员语言水平,定制主题化城市文化课程。让营员带着知识游玩,在游玩中夯实知识,实现“玩中学,学中玩” 的游学目标。

         3. ”强化语言” ——实用中文语言课程,真实自然的语言输入与互动,夯实中文,提升中文。


         4. “体验校园” ——感受中国高校环境,体验真实大学生活。

         冬令营期间,营员将有机会前往中国高校参观访问,也有机会入住校园,吃食堂, 住公寓,逛校园超市,体验真实的大学校园生活。


  • 项目发起方:中央民族大学

  • 项目时长:12 天

  • 项目时间:北京时间 2024 年 12 月 25日至 2025年 1 月 5日

  • 抵离城市:北京抵达,成都离开。

  • 项目安排:

​(1)北京 4 天:



​(2)大理 3 天:



​(3)成都 5 天:


  • 住宿:北京、大理、成都三地住宿标准为双床间或多人间。



  • 美国国籍,13-45周岁(不包含45岁及以上)。

  • 公立或私立学校在校学生、教育工作者、青年学者。

  • 身心健康、具备跨文化适应能力,适应国际长途旅行。



  • 签证:被邀请人持项目《邀请函》赴中国驻美使(领)馆,办理 5 年多次访问签证(“F”字签证),可免签证办理费用(含加急费)。原则上, 被邀请人应在其长期居住地(工作地)所属领区申请签证。单次在华最长停留时间一般不超过六个月。

  • 住宿:行程期间住宿费用(酒店或校内公寓)。

  • 交通:行程期间的市内旅游巴士费用、中国境内城际交通费用。

  • 用餐:行程期间团体每日正餐(早、中、晚餐)费用。

  • 门票:行程期间游览景点的门票费用。


  • 机票:抵离中国的往返国际旅费。

  • 保险:国际旅行期间的人身意外保险、医疗保险。

  • 住宿:行程期间因个人原因产生的外宿费用。

  • 交通:行程期间因个人原因产生的市内交通费,城际往返交通费。

  • 用餐:行程期间超出每日正餐以外的餐饮费用,如外卖、夜宵、饮料、零食等。

  • 门票:游览线路中未包含的景区门票及景区内需要额外付费的游玩项目。

  • ​补充:出入境个人物品海关征税,超重行李的托运费、保管费,个人物品邮寄费,因交通延阻、战争、政变、罢工、天气、飞机机器故障、航班取消或更改时间等不可抗力原因所引致的额外费用;酒店内洗衣、理发、电话、传真、收费电视、饮品、烟酒等个人消费;当地参加的自费及以上“费用包含”中不包含的其它项目。

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Experience te Wonders of Chinese Culture


​2025 Young Ambassadors Winter Camp

Beijing, DaliChengdu

Ⅰ.Tour Highlights

         1)   “Explore China” - Rich cultural relics, authentic language environment, engagingactivity design, all leading you into the charm of China and experience the beauty oflanguage and culture.

              During winter camps period, Campers will go to three cities, visit renowned cultural sites,and immerse themselves in local cuisine and culture. We've also elaborate design a plethora ofactivities, like cooking local dishes and experiencing intangible cultural heritage, enablecampers to immerse in an authentic language setting and discover a distinctive cultural allure.

        2)   “Joyful Cultural Learning”-Weaving unique urban cultural lessons into animmersive experience where play and learning become one.

                We will invite experienced teachers to design themed urban cultural courses tailored to theunique visiting programs of each city and the language proficiency of the campers. Thisapproach allows campers to engage with knowledge while having fun, reinforcing theirunderstanding through leisure activities, and ultimately achieving the study tour's objective of"learning through play".

       3)    “Enhancing Language Skills” - Practical Chinese language courses provide authentic and natural language input and interaction to solidify and improve your Chinese language skills.

                 A Chinese language course, aimed at practicality, is designed to assist campers in swiftlyadapting to local life. In an authentic language environment, what is learned is put into practice.thereby strengthening and enhancing the Chinese language skills.

       4)   “Experience Campus’- Immerse yourself in the ambiance of Chinese well-knowuniversity and truly experience university life.

             During the winter camp, participants will have the chance to tour Chinese universities.dine at the dining hall, live in dormitories, shop at campus supermarkets, and fully immersethemselves in the authentic university experience.


  • Inviting party : Minzu University of China

  • Estimated duration: 12 Days

  • Time:December 25, 2024 to January 5, 2025

  • Arrival and departure cities: Arrived in Beijing,departed from Chengdu.

  • Itinerary:

(1)4 days in Beijin

SchoolCultural Visit,The Palace Museum, the Great Wall, Dashilan district, the Bird's Nest, and the Water Cube,School exchange activities, etc.


(2)3 days in Dali

SchoolCultural Visit,Dali Ancient Town, Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience, School exchange activities, etc


(3)5 days in Chengdu

SchoolCultural Visit,Jinsha Site Museum, Du Fu's Cottage, Chengdu Giant Panda Base, Kuang zhai Alley, School exchange activities, etc

  • Accommodation:

The accommodation standards in Beijing, Dali and Chengdu are double or multiple room.


Ⅲ. Recruitment conditions

  • American nationality, aged between 13 and 44 (excluding those aged 45 and above).

  • Students from public or private schools, educator,young scholars.

  • Physical and mental health, cross-cultural adaptability, and adaptability to internationallong-distance travel.

IV.  Cost Description

Program will cover the costs of accommodation, transportation within and between cities, visits and exchanges in China. The specific costs are as follows:

  • Visa: The invited person shall go to the Chinese Embassy (Consulate) in the UnitedStates with the Invitation Letter of the program to apply for a 5-year multiple entry visa ("F"visa), which can be processed without visa fees (including expedited fees). In principle, theinyited person should apply for a visa in the consular district of their long-term residence(work place). The maximum duration of stay in China for a single visit is generally not morethan six months.

  • Accommodation: Accommodation cost during the trip (hotel or on-campus apartment).

  • Transportation: The cost of the city tour bus during the trip and the cost of intercity transportation within China.

  • Meals: daily meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for the group during the trip.

  • Tickets: The cost of tickets for visiting attractions during the trip.

The expenses that need to be borne by individuals include but are not limited to:

  • Airfare: Round-trip international travel expenses for arriving and departing from China.​

  • Insurance: Personal accident insurance and medical insurance during internationaltravel.

  • Accommodation: The cost of staying out for personal reasons during the trip.

  • Transportation: The cost of transportation and intercity round-trip transportationincurred due to personal reasons during the trip.

  • Meal: Expenses for meals other than the daily meals during the trip, such as take-out,late-night meal, drinks, and snacks.

  • Tickets: Tickets for scenic spots not included in the tour route and additional paidactivities within the scenic spot.

  • Supplement: Customs tax on personal items entering and leaving the country, excessbaggage handling fees, storage fees, personal item mailing fees, additional fees due to forcemajeure events such as transportation delays, wars, coups, strikes, weather, aircraftmalfunctions, flight cancellations or changes in schedule. Personal consumption such aslaundry, hairdressing, telephone, fax, pay Tv, drinks, tobacco and alcohol in the hotel: andother items that are not included in the "specific costs ".

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